Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Social media versus search (or why being a sweater is better)

Through our work with the Race of Champions, Sagittarius Digital's search and social media team are exploring all the ways that you can bring the cross channel, integrated digital brand experience to its fan base. But why? Simple, the team have realised that you no longer need to try and drag people to your website, you can just as easily take your website to the people.

Over the past 2 years social media sites have, once again, changed the way that people use the Internet. It used to be that the most popular sites were single purpose, functional websites like search engines and webmail providers - your Googles and Hotmails, if you will.

However, social media sites like Facebook are now more visited than webmail wesbites and have even started to become more visited than Google itself (a major event in the Western world where it has been dominant for what feels like forever). So people aren't emailing or even searching as much as there micro blogging, sharing pictures and generally living a part of their social lives online. This is quite a change and offers brands a way to become part of a perons online life - a part not just when they're looking for the brand but a part of a person's life when there laughing at a photo or swapping gossip with their bffs.

Being a trophy on a mantlepiece is nice but being a favourite sweater is better! Understand this and you're half way there.